September 28, 2009

Lost in Translation

Erin works closely with a local church in Poltava. Naturally, we attend service there on Sundays. Salvation Church is conveniently located a short distance from her apartment and as worship begins at 2 pm it makes for a lovely, leisurely Sunday. I have met so many wonderful people there and it is always interesting to attend church in a different country.

However, as I don't read, write, sing, or speak Russian, I tend to miss a lot even with interpretation. Luckily the Russian church environment plays to my people watching nature. Other than Sunday corporate worship, I rarely use singing in my praise time. It just isn't my natural choice of communion. But it has been so amazing to watch people worship, especially Christians who connect with God via song.

This past Sunday, while observing, there was a time when the passion of the congregation was practically palpable and God pressed upon me the beauty of my Ukrainian brothers and sisters. How, one day, we will join together in singing and communing with God without our human barriers. Without the hindrance of language, culture, or location. We will love God together with the fullness of our hearts, communing as one body, one family...what a glorious day it will be.

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